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4.20.8 AWS Automation: Properties and Scripting

AWS uses an automation mechanism to allow components to respond to each other, and to notify the programmer of events based upon user input.

About Properties

The first mechanism we'll talk about is properties. Properties perform two important roles:

  1. Access control: That is, some properties can be read, and some can be written. Others may have both access abilities enabled.
  2. Notification: When a property is changed it is possible to get a notification of the change.

Every property has two signals: `Changed' and `Binding'. The first signal is fired when the property is set. The `Changed' signal doesn't try to differentiate between old values and new values, so the property may have been set to the same actual value. The second signal is fired when the property is being bound to some name and property bag. A property may be bound to different names, but it will only be bound to one name at a time. It is possible to register a property with multiple bags, but it is not recommended since it will be difficult for a client to know what the property is associated with in that case. (Generally clients can assume that if they are listening for a property, they know with what the property is associated. Perhaps you have one slot that listens for a number of change signals for some component. In that case, you may take different steps based on the name of the property changed--but you know that all the properties belong to one given object.)

Using Properties

Properties are very easy to use. For example, say you have a window called "login". All windows have a property called `Title'. You would like to set the title of the window regardless of what appears in the window definition file.

login.Title.Set("Login to System");

That's it. The window takes care of setting the value, invalidating itself, and getting redrawn. What if you wanted to know when the `Title' property was changed? In that case you would have to have a slot for that, and all slots must belong to some class. You can have other things in your class besides slots, that way you don't have to have one object set aside for dealing with that stuff. Slots can be where they ought to be: near the data and functions that want to know about them.

class myslots : public autom::has_slots<>
  void titleChanged(const std::string &name,
                    awsPropertyBase *property)
    autom::keeper k;
    if (property->Get(k))
      std::string new_title = k->toString().Value();
      csPrintf("Title changed to: %s\n", new_title.c_str());
      csPrintf("Access to read title denied!\n");
  void setup(awsWindow *win)
    win->Title.Changed.connect(this, titleChanged);

There's a little bit of code there, but let's look at each of the pieces. The first thing to note is that the class must inherit from autom::has_slots<>; otherwise it won't have the code needed to host slots.

The next thing to notice is the function signature for the slot. The return type must be `void', and the other two parameters must be exactly as shown. Different signals may have different slot signatures, but for property change signals, the signature is exactly as shown above.

`name' is the name of the property that changed. `property' is a pointer to the property that changed. In order to get the value of the property, you must call the Get() function. If it returns false, then read access is denied for that particular property. There is no way to read a property that is write-only. Finally, notice the setup() function. It calls the `connect()' function on the `Changed' signal. This means that our titleChanged() function will be called whenever Title.Set() succeeds.

Properties Q&A

Question: How do I know with what component or window a property is associated?

Answer: Currently, the code must know that somehow; either because you as the developer knows that a certain object's slots only ever connect to a given window or component, or through some other previous knowledge. Eventually there will be a global registry that will allow you to look up that sort of information.

Question: Why don't properties store the component and/or window with which they are associated?

Answer: Properties are designed to be used in a number of contexts. Building in information about component or window ownership implies that properties must belong to a component. That may or may not be true in the future.

Question: Why do I have to use a keeper and do all that gobbledygook with the toString()->Value() stuff?

Answer: Property values are inherently type-agnostic. In the case of a bound property, the value is always converted to the concrete type to which the property is bound. However, the property may still be set with any sort of type supported (int, float, string). The conversions are handled implicitly when needed. The keeper is just a shorter name for csRef<object*>, and provides automatic lifespan handling for those types. They go away when all references to them have disappeared.


Scripting is intimately related to properties, because properties use the scripting system to store their values. In fact, it is entirely possible to have a property whose value resolves to a dynamically executed function.

For example, imagine that you wanted to have a property that belonged to a progress bar widget. The progress bar widget might be receiving updates from a file transfer object. Perhaps the progress bar widget can display some text. For this progress bar we want the text to show below the progress display how many bytes have been transferred. The widget itself doesn't know what the text is, or when it has changed. You don't want to update the text at every change, because that might be slow. Instead, you set a property called `Caption' as follows:

autom::keeper k = autom::Compile(":BytesReceived@FileTransfer()")

Then, when the progress bar's status is updated and it redraws, it will do something like this:

autom::keeper k;
std::string caption_text = k->toString().Value();

Instead of getting the string we set for the property, the string is evaluated as a function, and we get the result. In this case it would happen to be how many bytes were received. Had we set the value as a simple string, that string would have been displayed.

Scripting Tutorial

@@@ FIXME: Write this.

Scripting Q&A

Question: When I call autom::Compile() with a string it doesn't return an automation string object. It just returns nil. Why?

Answer: If you try to compile a string it must have double quotes around it, just like in C and C++ and myriad other languages. If all you are trying to do is generate a automation string object from a pre-existing string, use `new autom::string(existing_string)'. It understands that the string is pre-composed and doesn't parse it. Therefore it's also much faster.

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